Friday, March 25, 2016

The Monthly Top Ten: Spring Break Edition!

I've been holding out on posting this month's Monthly Top Ten, well for a few reasons ... first, I didn't get around to making one because I couldn't think of anything clever, and second when I did think of something, I needed to wait until it was relevant to post ... so of course, it's all about spring break!

Woo!HOO! We made it! I don't know about you, but third quarter is always the most insane time for me. Every. Single. Year. Something. Bad. Happens.

This year, it was no different.

I definitely earned my TWO, count them, TWO, weeks off.

{I'm totally loving this extended school year schedule}

So, in honor of 18 days without having to set an alarm, here's this late edition of the monthly top ten?: Spring Break Edition!

So, how am I celebrating my 18 days off?

1. Of course, Netflix has been playing in the background, and of course today, I finally finished all the seasons of NCIS (I've been working on that one for almost a year!), and now I'm at a loss of what to watch to hold my interest ... any good ideas out there?

2. I'm working on painting my front door black to add a little curb appeal to the front of the house... however, the weather hasn't been appreciative of my desire to be productive - rain, hail and that weird grapple in between stuff?!?! has led to blue paint on the outside of my door for longer than expected.

3. Sleeping in, enough said!

4. Last weekend, I hosted a Nerdy 30 birthday party for a friend... complete with glasses and a nerdy dress!

5. Thrifting! I love a good thrift store find, and this time around, I scored! I bought some house hold decor from a cute new shop that I will be returning to (old books, a cute old sifter and recipe box for the kitchen and some cool old glass jars filled with vintage marbles, jacks and dice), a bread machine, a few sweaters, an adorable dress, and several other things ... gotta love thrift store shopping on a teacher's budget!
6. I had a good friend and her kids over the other day to see the house, it's coming along pretty amazingly ... but I desperately need to get some stuff down outside ... It was nice to see her and her kiddos and catch up!

7. I'm excited to see my family for the first time since starting college for Easter! I'll also get to celebrate my lil brother's 21st birthday! Love some good family time!

8. The boy and I went to run some errands today and I talked him into lunch at Kneaders ... so delicious! I'm hoping for one more outing to lunch for Hawaiian food next week ... keep your fingers crossed for me as he works nights and I'm interrupting prime sleep time by being home for two weeks!

9. I took my laptop to the local coffee shop earlier this week and got a lot of work done... I'm planning on doing it a few more times next week to get the class I've been taking wrapped up ... I hate having extra homework to do! (I started doing some tonight, but decided that this would be a better idea :))

10. RELAX and be ready to come back a happy, refreshed, healthy teacher.

How to Participate:

1. Save the Picture above and insert it into Powerpoint or Word, your choice of editing software
2. Insert the ten things you are most looking forward to over spring break - it can be random, or in order... just make sure you have ten :)
3. Write a blogpost and include a link back to this blog
4. Link up here:
5. Be nice! Leave a comment on at least two blog posts from the link up!
6. Have fun, and enjoy your spring break!!!

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