Wow! I fail! It's been since August since I posted a monthly top ten to fill out. Thank you for being patient as I work to get to know my new school and my house... It's been a quick first half of the year and I am looking forward to feeling more settled in my job and my house!
This month is all about Valentine's ... You know that one of the perks of the job is getting all that candy during the holidays and giving it away to other people because you can't stand the thought of eating one more piece (even though you secretly want it all to yourself!) Well, there's definitely candy types that I keep, just for me... because I can't stand the thought of sharing them with some of my family members!
This month I want to know ... what are your top ten Valentine's Candies? What do you splurge on for your kids so you can sneak a bite or two of the left overs? Which candies do you get a little bit excited about when they end up in your valentine's mailbox? Join the link up and let me know!
The only thing I really need to say is ... Reese's ... mmmm... the specialty ones are even better. I can't wait to get some of them in my goodie bag this year (fingers crossed!)
If you can't tell, I like anything chocolate... there's a few fruity things thrown in, but seriously, who can complain about chocolate!
Last year, my boyfriend got me some specialty chocolates from a local chocolate shop. They were TO DIE FOR. One can only hope he's still this romantic...
Hope you all have fun!
Rules: Link your page to this post by using the inlinkz link at the bottom of this page. Hyperlink your blog post back to this post. Copy and paste the image above to an editing program like PowerPoint. Fill it out - Have fun! Post on your blog - you can go into further detail, or just leave the image to explain. Finally, comment on two other people's linkups!